Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Hotspot business around coast

We recognize assorted of hotspot type accommodating the tourists paying a visit to a certain place. As for kinds like cafe, pub, or other hotspot which dispersion is around the coast. Hotspot made by tourist as manly beach accommodation to nestle during they are at one's post purpose of they. As in Bali coast area, there is having kinds of hotspot to start from hotspot that is ordinary until luxuriant hotspot accommodating local tourist and also foreign tourist to lodge beside releasing fatigue. Of course if we saw every location tourism a lot of hotspot as an accommodation that is on the market to all tourist. Existence of this hotspot gives an amenity to all tourist so that they have other activity while they there. Likely this coast hotspot business becomes promising business remembers approximant every when tourist comes to relax releases is tired during relative sufficiently long and requires activity which can discharge tired of they.

Coastal area becomes one of purpose of tourism to all local tourist and also stranger foreigners. Place this they can enjoy beauty of sea, coast, and wave which has been provided by nature. For most of urban public, to reach this location required time that sufficiently long with long journey and it is of course after coming up with location wanted by them will pass the time which nor just. For the purpose the tourists coming with time which sufficiently long requires manly beach accommodation during they over there. Assorted of available accommodation facilitates tourist during remaining there. Hotspot is accommodation required by tourist as an activity done to release is tired during vacation.

Requirement of local tourist and also existence stranger foreigners would of coast hotspot makes effort for hotspot hardly promise to reach for home run. And not a few also in areas like coast providing accommodation of hotspot because coast hotspot would always require by the visitors place of manly beach accommodation. From here visible that place of coastal tourism has become object promising for business like this coast hotspot business.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Tenda dan terpal

Mobil merupakan suatu alat transportasi yang nyaman. Dengan memiliki mobil, kita bisa pergi kemana saja tanpa peduli cuaca panas maupun hujan. Apalagi bagi keluarga yang anggotanya lebih dari empat orang dan anak-anaknya sudah mulai besar-besar. Rasanya repot juga kalau kemana-mana naik motor.

Mobil tidak hanya merupakan suatu alat transportasi yang nyaman tapi bisa juga menjadi bagian dari trend dan gaya hidup. Bagian dari gaya hidup maksudnya gaya hidup seseorang dapat dinilai dengan dari mobil apa orang itu turun. Bagian dari trend maksudnya setiap kali keluar model mobil terbaru biasanya langsung booming. Dan hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa sebagian besar mobil yang beredar di jalanan adalah mobil model terbaru tersebut. Atau mungkin bisa disebut mobil sejuta umat.

Bagi anda sedang berencana untuk membeli mobil dalam waktu dekat, coba ingat-ingat lagi apakah rumah anda sudah memiliki garasi mobil? Kalau sudah, coba ingat-ingat lagi apakah garasi yang kelak diperuntukkan sebagai lahan parkir mobil anda sudah memiliki penutup atap? Kalau belum, kasian donk mobil impian anda, kalau hujan dia kehujanan, kalau panas dia kepanasan, bisa-bisa nanti catnya cepat memudar. Kalau anggaran anda tidak cukup untuk membeli mobil dan membangun pergola sekaligus, mungkin membeli garasi lipat bisa jadi alternatif.

Garasi lipat bentuknya seperti tenda, terbuat terpal, dan bisa dilepas pasang sesuai kebutuhan. Atau kalau tidak mau juga membeli tenda garasi yang terbuat dari terpal ini, ya sudah beli terpal nya saja. Ketika mobil tidak dipakai alias mangkal di garasi, selimuti saja dia dengan terpal. Karena sifat terpal yang tebal, tidak tembus pandang dan waterproof, maka terpal tidak akan tertembus air hujan dan sinar matahari langsung. Jangan-jangan selimut terpal ini malah lebih efektif dari atap pergola. Mudah-mudahan dengan penutup terpal ini mobil impian anda bisa jadi lebih awet.